Here are some cute youtube videos in honor of my hubby who has worked long and hard to become a CRNA (officially by the end of the year). Love you honey!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What do you mean I can't smoke in here...

I took care of a 24 year old male that decided to take a bunch of vicodin, soma, and xanax along with marijuana for his sciatic pain. Well his mom found him drowsy and pretty much unconscious and so the wambulance (as called by the ER nurses) brought him to me. He was not very nice, hit his brother, twisted my arm behind my back….you get the picture. I took him up to the ICU and he asked for a sleeping pill. Now remind you that he took enough meds to sleep for a week and so I kind of laughed and explained that he wouldn’t be getting a sleeping pill. Then he decided that he wanted to leave and was just being a pain. Happy for me that he was now in the ICU and I headed back to the ER. So like an hour later security comes running in the ER and says they have my patient from room 2. I was like, what?? Oh yes, my lovely patient had jumped out of the second story ICU window so that he could smoke!!!! And now he had a broken foot! We took some x-rays, applied a splint, I even gave him some pain meds and took him back up to the ICU! I’m guessing they locked the window…:o)


Tifani said...

that is unreal Donelle but OMG you could so right a book girl. WOW what a job. I am sure you are so good at it. I can totally see you being so good with these people.

Alene said...

This is my favorite Texas ER story. At least he was going to smoke outside :)

CourtneyB said...

Greg told Colin this story, and he's been telling it to everyone! It's a great "Don't do drugs, kids" kind of story. (:

I am looking forward to reading all the stories you have from the ER!